Compass Journeys

First Journey – North
1. Know and repeat before the circle the Adventures names of each guide.
2. Repeat all seven parts of the Y-Adventure Princess Aims before the Circle.
3. Good Conduct at three consecutive meetings.
4. Arrange a night off for Mom. Father and daughter will plan, purchase, cook and serve dinner-MOTHER WILL NOT BE ALLOWED IN THE KITCHEN. After serving dinner, Father and daughter will do the dishes. Mother will furnish a statement in writing to be presented to the circle.
5. The Father and Daughter will do a camping trip for at least one night preparing their own food. This can be done alone or with the circle.
6. Father and Daughter will do three home crafts representing the theme of the Circles name and their and Dad’s nicknames.

Second Journey – East
1. Son to plant/grow a vegetable/fruit and present to Circle her crop.
2. Take a two mile hike with Dad and turn in a report to the Circle on any interesting sites or events in this trip.
3. Athletics: Option A:  Dad and Daughter do the following:
1) 2 push ups
2) 5 sit-ups
3) jog a ¼ mile
Option B:   Dad and Daughter do the following:
1) swim 25 feet
2) Retrieve object that is under-water
3) Tread water or float for two minutes
4. Guide to present his Family Tree going back at least two generations. Daughter to present photo’s, nationalities to the circle.
5. Daughter to present 5 endangered species to the local area.
6. Present a photo scrap book of any event that you have attended. Best if the daughter takes the pictures. Present to Circle.

Third Journey – South
1. Draw and identify three animal tracks. Tracks must be seen.
2. Daughter must do a report on one National Park. A Park that was visited by the daughter is recommended but not required.
3. Report on seven fish/animals/birds native to the Southern California Area. Paste pictures and tell information about each one.
4. Dad and daughter take a special trip (overnight is recommended but not required) and report back to the circle of special happenings.
5. Geology—Collect, identify and display to the circle group a collection of ten rocks, gems, and or minerals.
6. Meteorology—Identify and display three different cloud formations. Explain why each cloud formation occurs and the type of weather each represents.
7. Reverse Role Playing. The Dad and Daughter to reverse roles for one day (a minimum of 4 hours) and report back to the circle their fun findings.---or----Spend part of the day with your Dad at his work and report back to the Circle.

Fourth Journey – West
1. Make a pair of stilts with the daughter doing the measuring, cutting, sanding and fastening with the supervision of the Dad. Bring to circle meeting for presentation.
2. Knife Safety:  demonstrate the proper and safe way to use a knife. Carve/Whittle an object and present to Circle.
3. Knots:  Demonstrate to the Circle how to tie the following knots:
A) Square  B) Clove Hitch
C) Bow Line  D) Two Half-Hitches
E) Taunt line hitch F) And tie a hook to a fishing line
4. Fire Safety:  Daughter to report to Circle how to put out the following fires:
1) Wood  2) Clothing
3) Grease  4) At an event campfire, the daughter to light the campfire     in front of the other princess’s with the supervision of their Dad.
5. First Aid:  Guide to demonstrate how to perform all of the following:          
 1) what to do when someone is choking
2) what to do when someone can’t breathe
3) what to do when someone is bleeding