Natalie, Jocelyn and Randy are members of the Dolphins Circle. They were asked a few questions to share a bit about themselves…
Q. What are your Adventure names?
A. Jocelyn's Princess name is : Cute Coyote
Natalie's Princess name is: Shinning Star
Dad’s name is: Dragonheart
Q. What was your favorite part about the Santiago Event?
A. Dad: Personally I loved the induction ceremony on Saturday night. I was thrilled to meet and spend time with the new members. But for both Jocelyn and Natalie their favorite moment of the weekend was when we got the Navigator Award, which surprised me. It just goes to prove what the YMCA says all the time about giving the kids "Sunlight" and how well they respond to it.
Q. How long have you been in the Y-Princess program?
A. My oldest daughter Jocelyn is in fourth grade and is starting her fifth year. Natalie is starting her third year.
Personally I've been involved with a combination of Guides and Princesses for 8 years with my son Kyle who has now graduated. I was the Nation Navigator for the White Eagle Expedition when my son was in the program. So I've been around.
Q. What has been your all time favorite event or memory of Y-Princesses so far?
A. Dad: During my first year in the program it was just Jocelyn and I. We were camping at San Mateo campground. Jocelyn, being new and one of the youngest girls at the time just wanted to hang out with me. Saturday morning she asked if we could play catch. She was awkward with her mitt, but very eager. So we played, and we played and we played. We must have played for close to four hours. We didn't participate in the nation games that day, we just played catch. It was just me and her, and because I was away camping with the Y-princesses, I had nothing to take my attention from her. It was magic. It's a moment in time I will always remember.
Jocelyn: That she had her birthday on the Joshua Tree Campout.
Natalie: The first Dolphin circle meeting at the swimming pool with pizza.
Q. This one is for Randy: What is your favorite thing about your Daughter’s and why?
A. I love Jocelyn's spunk and determination. She doesn't let anything stop her. I love Natalie's sweetness. She is quiet and kind and has lots of feeling for everything.
They both have huge hearts and are bundles of Love!
Q. This one is for Jocelyn: What is your most favorite thing about your Daddy and why?
A. She likes that her dad is funny. (Note: I don't know if that means
funny ha ha or funny weird)
Q. This one is for Natalie: What is your most favorite thing about your Daddy and why?
A. That Dad lets her do things Mom won't.